Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Treading water.

Well, I am back at the loss I reached prior to Plymouth weekend/ Thanksgiving. Talk about wasting time...2 weeks ago, I was the weight I am now. And then gained a few back, due to chaotic scheduling, and going hours without food, and then eating what was easily available.

I can't be pissed off that I feel like that was 2 weeks of wasted time. Instead, I have to look at it as proof that I CANNOT do this on my own just yet. I am not there.

Went to the gym last night, so much easier when Kathy and I make plans to go together. You feel like you are breaking plans with the other person if you don't go. We'll be back again tonight, hoping to do at least 45 minutes on the elliptical, maybe an hour. Once I am there I start to lose track of time.

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